Be more

Be More Starfish – little wins can make a big difference, this sums up our approach to everything ESG.


     Each and every change – however small – can make a difference

     Tiny changes can all add up to bigger changes


Be More Starfish and help create a fair and sustainable future for us all.



The Starfish story

Little wins can make a big difference

Moral of the story? Small steps and individual actions all add up. As we always say: “we are what we constantly do”.

We advocate and encourage our people, clients, customers, guests, partners, suppliers and communities to make a difference through a range of initiatives. It’s our way of bringing together all our commitments, plans, goals and measures to demonstrate and prove that we are a good business and one with authentic and genuine social conscience.

That’s our starfish.


We're making three promises to you

We’ll never be afraid to look in the mirror

We promise to walk the talk when it comes to the environment. We’ll constantly review how we can operate and grow more sustainably – reducing our consumption of natural resources, lessening our personal impact and encouraging suppliers, partners and customers to do the same.


We’ll try to walk a mile in everyone’s shoes

We get everyone’s situation’s different. So, we’ll take positive steps to foster opportunity for the people at the heart of our community – at a personal level – both inside and outside the business. Championing diversity, equity and inclusion. Protecting human rights. Holding our suppliers to high ethical standards of working conditions of pay. All to ensure fairness, safety, education and opportunity are afforded by all.

We’ll make sure our door’s always wide open

Transparency and fairness in our decisions and structure, living our team-created values and protecting our reputation are the assurances we make to our teams, clients, customers, partners and suppliers.


Our team is here to help, 24/7

Contact Situ