Achieving Mindfulness When Working Away From Home.

Situ Serviced Apartments

Travel, Work & Play Guide

Mindfulness is fast becoming a popular buzzword in the wellness industry. The aim of mindfulness is to cultivate awareness both within the body and the environment. A central concept of mindfulness is knowing that you are not your thoughts or emotions – you experience them. Mindfulness helps us step back so that we are less pushed around by our thoughts and feelings, and in that pause, we have a greater ability to choose how we respond. Read on to see why we think there is a rising importance of mindfulness.

There is no downside to becoming more aware of the present moment, as it can help us enjoy the world around us and understand ourselves better. It helps us develop an understanding of things and experiences we may have been taking for granted.

When you work away from home or the office, the feelings of loneliness and isolation can be common. It can also be difficult to manage your workload, keep on top of your priorities and stay motivated. Mindfulness is a practice that can be beneficial to your approach to work, efficiency and your wellbeing, both mental and physical.

mindfulness and wellbeing

Benefits and importance of mindfulness:

  • Improves self- esteem.
  • Increases satisfaction levels.
  • Improves emotions and moods.
  • Reduces negative thoughts.
  • Helps regulate emotions.
  • Increases happiness.
  • Reduces rumination (repetition of negative thoughts of the mind).

Mindfulness tips when working away:

Try to add mindfulness into your daily life as well as dedicating time to mindfulness practises. When working away from the office, it is common to lose the feeling of “normalcy”. Daily mindfulness activities can help you regain any lost feelings and help you balance your mental wellbeing whilst working away.

Daily Mindfulness Activities:

Meal-times – When having a meal, take the time to sit, have a break, and enjoy! Ensure you are present in the moment and appreciate what you have.

Meetings – In a post-pandemic world, meetings are more likely to be virtual, making it harder to feel included and connected. Try and make the extra effort to be attentive and engaged in the call and with your colleagues.

Talk to someone – Try to keep connected as much as you are able to. Some days it will be harder than others, but reaching out to those you trust is an important way to keep yourself grounded and improve your emotions. If you are feeling like talking to your friends and families isn’t enough – always speak to professionals who can help you.

Courtesy of Rodeo Project Management –

Keep a daily journal – Take note of your daily thoughts, feelings and the challenges you have overcome. It will help you when you are feeling low or out of sorts to reflect on the changes you have made and the growth you have exhibited.

Get outside and exercise – Get some fresh air and stretch your body! Increase your heart rate and clear your head. A short walk outside can help you process your emotions, work through them and understand what is happening.

Sleep well – Sleep is a priority for mindfulness. We all know the feeling of waking after a good nights sleep. Try to help your body recuperate and process your day by getting some decent rest. Your body will thank you!

Courtesy of Kinga Cichewicz –

Dedicated Mindfulness Activities:

1. Mindful Breathing – The primary goal is calm, non-judgmental awareness of yourself, allowing thoughts and feelings to come and go without getting caught up in them. Sit in a comfortable position, spine straight and pay attention to your breathing. This technique can help you control feelings of anxiousness or stress.

2. Body Awareness – This practice offers you space to experience sensation fully, openly and with awareness. Sit in a quiet place, in an upright position. Open up your senses and be aware of what you feel around your body as well as your internal feelings (heat, cold, fatigue etc). If your thoughts wander, try your best to gently let go and return to feelings.

3. Walking Meditation – “Meditation in motion”. Walking meditation is more than just taking a stroll, it is making sure that you are aware of your physical and body sensations as you move and those around you. Walk with poise, keeping your back as straight as possible, with your shoulders back. Do not focus on speed, just try to experience the nature around you and your bodies movements.

For more helpful ideas for working at home, take a look at our top tips blog!

For more information about mindfulness and ways, you can improve, take a look at the mental health foundations 4-week course – Be Mindful! Remember – always seek professional help if you feel like you are struggling and need guidance!