Serviced Accommodation, Aparthotels and Serviced Apartments in Germany

Discover premier corporate accommodations in Germany, catering to the needs of global travelers. Immerse yourself in the excellence of serviced apartments, designed specifically for business professionals. Enjoy fully furnished apartments with modern amenities, offering a comfortable and flexible environment for short-term or extended stays. Experience the perfect blend of convenience and comfort, tailored to meet the needs of global travelers visiting Germany for business purposes.
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About Germany


As a tourist destination, Germany has never been more popular. This extraordinary country is the seventh most visited in the world and tourism numbers are rising again for the eighth consecutive year. Stunning attractions accompanied by a thriving economy give global travellers plenty of reason to visit Germany for business.

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About Germany

Germany is populated by over eighty million people and has the second largest population in Europe. Almost one in every ten Germans come from a foreign country, and this is no surprise as it’s also the third most bordered country in Europe. In terms of size, Germany is the seventh-largest country and its landscape varies dramatically. Its collection of winding rivers, heavily forested mountains, and North Seas coastline views convince global corporate travellers to choose Germany as a place for business. Particularly popular for corporate accommodation is the capital, Berlin. Germany’s largest city by area and population is incredibly active, as the fourth-most densely populated European Union city, and a hub for business travel. Berlin certainly contributes to the thirty-one million total who stay overnight in Germany.


Germany’s long history of division dates to after 800AD. The country represented an important territorial base in Europe, and rival empires and religions consistently fought over the land. Beyond the Holy Roman Empire and Medieval period, despite a small period of unification, the European state was never far from aspects of separation. Devastating examples of this include the building of the iconic Berlin Wall and the horrors of the Holocaust. Germany has undoubtedly experienced a dark past, but now the state is reunited under the old Prussian capital of Berlin. It is the divisive past, combined with the successful unification of the present, which makes Germany such an extraordinary country to explore.


Germany has long been an economic powerhouse in Europe. Deutschland boasts the world’s fourth-largest economy and as a result, has the lowest rate of unemployment in the European Union. This is borne out of a highly developed social market economy, with a service sector contributing to around 70% of the national GDP. Germany’s economy was also arguably given further boosts when the Germany Mark was replaced officially by the Euro in 2002. For modern-day exchange rates on the Euro, visit

The country also prides itself as a place of research and invention with some of the world’s most famous inventors and theorists being born there. The automotive industry in Germany is one of the most competitive in the world. International brands like Mercedes, Audi, BMW and Volkswagen all originated there. Variety is important and makes the country attractive for new business owners.

You could argue the secret behind the nation’s successful economy and tourism is its ability to accommodate everyone. Thus, we offer serviced apartments to house any corporate guest. Germany’s business climate is not based on preferential treatment. Both local and foreign expats can benefit from incentives and are granted benefits that are for the most part very similar. Anyone can also profit from infrastructure among the most developed in Europe. It comes as no surprise that, according to World Ease of Doing Business rankings, Germany has been amongst the top twenty-five countries in the world and is considered a ‘very easy’ location for business conduct.


Entry into Germany without a visa is dependent on whether you are an EU resident or not. Any person who is not a citizen of an EU state requires a visa. This is all only if you are staying for less than 90 days, otherwise, you may need to acquire a business visa. For more details, visit the Schengen Visa website.

Once arriving in Germany, foreigners can expect to fit right in without disturbance. The country ranks in the top fifteen in the world regarding social happiness and safety.  Germany’s national law also consists of very little abnormality, which bodes well for those with doubts about doing business there. This does differentiate from common law systems but should not have any influence on your stay in Germany. Frankfurt is a particularly popular location for foreign corporates, ranking in the top ten best cities to live and do business. It's home to the European Central Bank and the German stock exchange, acting as a significant financial hub and provider of excellent corporate accommodation options.

German driving can be a relaxing, scenic experience if you stay aware and vigilant. It’s been said that Germans have an aggressive approach towards driving but if you are sensible, then you should not encounter any issues. Contrary to popular myth, the ‘autobahns’ do have speed limits so make sure you do your research of the signs before you travel. For the majority of visitors to Germany International driving permits are not required and driving licenses issued in EU and EEA countries are accepted. Otherwise, expats could alternatively take advantage of the over fifty thousand taxis that function in Germany. Fortunately, the taxi industry has a reputation for being well-regulated and affordable, making taxi travel a feasible mode of transport.


Berlin has established itself amongst the top three travel destinations in Europe. Tourist attractions range from the iconic Brandenburg Gate to the famous Reichstag Building. The Brandenburg Gate is an eighteenth-century neoclassical monument, constructed in 1788, and still stands as the capital’s most famous landmark. This is closely followed by the famed Reichstag Building, remembered for its controversial fire devastation in 1933. Further reminders of Berlin’s unsettled twentieth-century history include the Holocaust memorial and the remains of the legendary Berlin Wall. All these landmarks are iconic in Europe, let alone Germany. So you can delve as much as you like into Berlin’s historic remnants, Situ offers plenty of extended stay apartments located across Berlin, so you can delve as much as you like into the capital’s historic remnants.

Aparthotels are scattered across Munich too. They are within walking distance of the München Hauptbahnhof railway station and the Arnulfpark Marsstraße bus station. Travellers then have easy access to the famous Oktoberfest celebration and its beer halls, a favourite being the tremendous Hofbräuhaus founded in 1589. Attended by six million visitors drinking countless litres of beer, this celebration is certainly not worth missing! Staying in Germany does not need to be all about city life though. Corporates enjoy taking a break from work by visiting the stunning King’s Lake near Salzburg, Europe’s most important waterway along the Rhine Valley, and the Zugspitze Massif in the Wetterstein mountain range. Overall, Germany has it all, home to many of Europe’s greatest landmarks.

Germany is a popular place for travel in Europe for a reason. Business people enjoy the overwhelming advantages of the prospering economy and complement this country’s beauty and countless attractions. Situ’s serviced accommodation aims to assist whatever journey travellers take whilst exploring and working in this magnificent country.



Berlin U-Bahn

Known for its yellow-coloured trains, this subway runs within ten lines and along a network of 146 kilometres and 173 stations across Berlin.

Despite ‘U-Bahn’ meaning ‘underground subway’ there are also some lines which run on above ground tracks.

Frankfurt Airport

This airport is the fourth-busiest airport in Europe with approximately sixty-five million passengers boarding flights each year.

Our serviced apartments are within a twenty-minute taxi journey of the airport. Quick travel to-and-from the airport is also simply done through S8 and S9 trains from Frankfurt’s main railway station.

Berlin Tegel (TXL) and Berlin Schoenefeld (SXF) airports

Tegel, located in the northwest, and Schoenefeld, located in the southeast, are the two main airports that function in Berlin.

Taxis travelling to the city centre can be found in a rank situated in front of Terminal A or buses travelling in six-minute intervals can take you to Berlin’s main railway station. Currently under construction is the Berlin Brandenburg airport, which is set to be the second-most expensive building in the world.

München Hauptbahnhof

This is the main railway station in the city of Munich and functions as one of the three long-distance stations within the city.

The station is served by both international and national travels which include popular destinations such as Berlin, Cologne, Frankfurt and Stuttgart. We have serviced apartments situated very close to this main railway station.

By Bus

Not long ago German intercity buses were scarce. Nowadays, they are a focal point of both short and long-distance travel. Germany’s biggest bus transport providers are MeinFernbus, Flixbus, Postbus and Eurolines.

For comparisons on bus classes, prices, times and speed, visit

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